His.lux Universal Module 4

The bestseller for historic lanterns
BRAUN offers His.lux in various sizes – 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 modules. The variation depends on the size of the luminaire to be converted and thus the interior of the luminaire. On the other hand, depending on the module and customer requirements, light color, luminous intensity, light distribution and system output (wattage) can be selected as desired.

His.lux modules are characterized by extremely compact dimensions and thus enable simple installation in a wide variety of luminaire fixtures. His.lux is available in different light colors. The gas-imitating LED-GASLight version is in particularly high demand in the field of historic old town lighting. All modules have optional functions such as dimming and/or a timer – on request, it is also possible to order a constant light function or regulation using a coding switch or service device.

His.lux Premium with historical circular reflector


Data Sheets:

His.lux®_Modul 4_EN

His.lux®_Modul 4 L7-Pro_EN

His.lux®_HighBrightness 4_EN

His.lux®_Premium Modul_EN